Winston has been practicing his letters lately - he can't wait to go to school - and is getting really good at some of his letters. He also loves to draw and has quite an imagination. Quite simply, he loves to learn. I hope his enthusium continues when he starts school.
Yesterday he decided to draw a picture of his family on our driveway and write "To Dad and Mom" - look close and you can kind of make it out. He loves to do H for Holly - such a smartie pants. Pretty good for a 4 year old, don't you think? I sure think it (and he) is adorable and I love our new family picture.
Here's one he drew of just me and Brad. I'm the big one and Brad is the smaller one. I like that we're holding hands : )
How To Care For Snake Plants
1 day ago
Too cute! Did you notice what a big mouth Brad has? Ha ha! :)
So cute! I love that he drew you and Brad holding hands!
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