Just before his fourth birthday, Winston asked to have the training wheels removed from his bike. I agreed figuring we'd humor him and then put them back on after he realized he needed them but he had a surprise for us - he really didn't need them. He wobbled a little at first but after a couple of tries he just took off and now he's a little pro. It's so cute and amazing to see our little guy peddling his bike around the neighborhood. I've had some of our neighbors stop when we've been out and comment on how cute he looks and how fun it is to see him riding around. Even the older neighbor kids are impressed that he doesn't need training wheels. Way to go Winston - you rock!
How To Care For Snake Plants
1 day ago
Wow! I'm very impressed that he knew he could do it.
What a stud! I need to show this to Boston, he's a bit timid about the idea of taking of the extra wheels. Winston is so cute cruising around!
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