Yesterday, Winston gave his first talk in Primary. He loves to get up in front of people - our little man is not shy, in fact he loves the attention. He's already given the prayer and a scripture and thoroughly loved it. Needles to say, he was so excited to give his first talk. I helped him put together some things to say about Zack and Bo - his missionary brothers and how they're teaching the gospel and helping the people where they are. For his props, I made a German flag and a Japanese flag to hold up. On Sunday morning while we were getting ready for church, Winston found one of Bo's old ties in his closet and just had to wear it for his talk. He did such a good job and was so proud to talk about his brothers and their missions. Here are some pictures of Winston holding the flags and wearing Bo's old tie. Way to go Winston. We're so proud of you!
How To Care For Snake Plants
1 day ago
Aww, that is so precious!
I love how connected he has stayed with his brothers. He will be so excited to be with them again soon.
Good job Winston!
Soooo cute!
Hahaha! So cute! I love the tie. :)
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