Winston finally tried a cheeseburger and he LOVED it! He's such a picky eater - he's never tried a hamburer before - so when he announced to Brad that he wanted to go to Burger King and get a hamburger Brad was pretty skeptical. Winston insisted that he would eat it so Brad decided to give it a try.
When he ordered it, Winston said he wanted ketchup, lettuce, cheese and steak on it. (Ha ha, steak on a hamburger!) Brad handed him his kid's meal and as promised, he took a bite and then said, "Mmmm, I love hamburgers."
Brad didn't notice that they'd put mustard on it too (Winston's always said he hates mustard). After a few bites, Winston said, "Hey, there's mustard on here. It's really good." He ate the whole thing and asked for another one - just like a boy!
Here's picture proof that he ate it - he's really growing up!
How To Care For Snake Plants
1 day ago
1 comment:
What a good sport he is! My girls would have thrown a fit over the mustard! That's a cute story!
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